In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, he discusses the common challenges faced by Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in terms of managing their workload and resources. Dr. Cole emphasizes the misconception that being overly...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, he explores critical facets of personal and professional development. Dr. Cole underlines the significance of focusing on four key dimensions: the body, mindset, relationships, and business....
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, he discusses the journey from being an average Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to becoming a world-class CISO. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of changing one’s mindset and...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, the focus is on understanding the true nature of the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Dr. Cole begins by emphasizing the importance of recognizing that the business of a CISO...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, the focus is on the importance of mindset and self-belief in becoming a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Dr. Cole emphasizes that your words create your reality and that having a...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, the focus is on mastering the role of a world-class Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Dr. Cole underscores the critical importance of understanding and managing risk effectively to...