USA Does Not Care About Cybersecurity

USA Does Not Care About Cybersecurity

The United States government does not care about cybersecurity! Yes, that’s a harsh statement. I wish it wasn’t true. As an American citizen, it actually breaks my heart. I hope in 6, 9, or 12 months, that it won’t be true. But unfortunately today, Senators, the White...
Biggest Cybersecurity Threat Revealed

Biggest Cybersecurity Threat Revealed

If most people were asked what the biggest cybersecurity threat is, the typical answer would involve the Russians, the Chinese, competitors, and foreign adversaries.  Essentially the answers would focus on external threats and would be partially correct. To get the...
Reboot Your Router

Reboot Your Router

In recent news, the FBI recommends that you reboot your router.  While good advice, a lot of the news articles to do not really address why this is important and more importantly what other long term measures should be taken.  The short answer is many routers used by...

Back to the Basics – The Road Less Stupid In any area of your life, you must understand the basics before moving on to advanced areas, but in security we seem to have forgotten that.  If someone is struggling with advanced concepts in school, they will have to...