In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole delves into the critical issue of time management, challenging listeners to consider whether they are in control of their time or letting it slip away due to constant crises. He opens by posing...
In this week’s episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole explores the multifaceted nature of being a world-class Chief Information Security Officer. Unlike previous episodes that focus primarily on cybersecurity and business strategies, this episode...
In this week’s episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole dives deep into the essence of becoming a world-class Chief Information Security Officer. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of focusing on the right things, as your focus ultimately determines your beliefs...
In the new episode of “Life of a CISO” by Dr. Eric Cole, he emphasizes the critical importance of cybersecurity to executives. He highlights that most executives prioritize cybersecurity, placing it among their top concerns along with geopolitical issues...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole emphasizes the importance of having all the facts before making judgments, using the analogy of mistaking someone else’s cookies for your own. This reflects a common issue where CISOs believe...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole emphasizes the importance of a mid-year evaluation for personal and professional growth. As we approach the halfway mark of the year, he encourages listeners to assess their current status in terms...