In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, the session centered on virtual coaching and addressing crucial challenges faced by Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). Dr. Cole dove into various scenarios and provided actionable...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” by Dr. Eric Cole, titled “Becoming A CISO,” he delves into the critical mindset required for aspiring and current Chief Information Security Officers. Dr. Cole emphasizes the power of belief in shaping...
Dr. Eric Cole’s latest episode of “Life of a CISO” delves into the importance of reflection and gratitude in a cybersecurity professional’s journey. He highlights the tendency to focus on the next challenge without acknowledging past...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole delves into the critical pillars of cybersecurity: communication and risk. He emphasizes the struggle faced by CISOs in effectively communicating the cybersecurity landscape to executives, highlighting the...
Dr. Eric Cole’s “Life of a CISO” episode emphasizes prioritizing cybersecurity risks over trendy technologies. He warns against getting too focused on buzzwords like AI and machine learning without understanding the real security risks. Cole...
In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” hosted by Dr. Eric Cole, Dr. Cole discusses the concept of Zero Trust in cybersecurity. Zero Trust is all about minimizing access, controlling access, and information, focusing on designing and building environments...