In this episode of “Life of a CISO,” Dr. Eric Cole continues sharing his journey into the cybersecurity field. He reflects on his decision to major in computer science, which led him to work with the CIA, where his interest in cybersecurity deepened. This...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” with Dr. Eric Cole, listeners are treated to a personal journey through Dr. Cole’s path to becoming a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). From his humble beginnings on Long Island to his pivotal...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” with Dr. Eric Cole, the focus is on bridging the gap between the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and the expectations of both executives and security professionals. Dr. Cole emphasizes the need...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” with Dr. Eric Cole, listeners are reminded that it’s never too late to reset, regroup, and work on personal growth. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, especially for those aspiring...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” with Dr. Eric Cole, listeners are welcomed into the world of cybersecurity leadership. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses, highlighting that no one is perfect,...
In the latest episode of “Life of a CISO” with Dr. Eric Cole, the focus is on the foundational principles of cybersecurity. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for one’s career and life, urging listeners to avoid feeling stuck...