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Dr. Cole is a sought after speaker by many networks, publications, and officials.
Founded & Directed by
Dr. Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole is a renowned cybersecurity expert, entrepreneur, and best-selling author with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Known for his work in advancing cybersecurity and his dedication to making the digital world a safer place, Dr. Cole has a unique background that spans working as a professional hacker for the CIA to advising some of the world’s top companies.
As America’s Cybersecurity Czar, Dr. Cole’s life mission is clear: to make cyberspace a safe place to live, work, and do business. While he started his career on the offense, he is now fully dedicated to understanding the adversary so he can provide cost-effective solutions and help businesses implement smarter, safer processes. As a pioneer in the area of cybersecurity, he has been inducted into the Infosec Hall of Fame, awarded the Cyber Wingman Award from the US Air Force, received multiple accommodations from the CIA, and was part of the commission on cybersecurity for President Obama. He has been the featured speaker at many security events and is an in-demand expert for national media outlets such as CNN, CBS News, FOX News and 60 Minutes.
Meet the team who helps you become more secure
Founder and CEO
World-Renowned Cybersecurity Expert with more than 30 years of network security experience who helps organizations curtail the risk of cyber threats.
Brande Breneman
Executive Assistant
Assistant to Dr. Cole with all his various needs. Brande is the liaison between all clients and Dr. Cole and keeps up with the schedules, travel, customer service, and any other hat that Dr. Cole needs her to wear.